However, several of the most memorable tracks do feature a distinct ragtime flavour, most notably the insanely catchy Clef Club No 2. While getting an even stronger feel for the period, Newman listened to much Scott Joplin, perhaps the most famous composer of ragtime music who ever lived (especially after his music was used in The Sting), although Newman admits that Joplin's music wouldn't really have been right for Ragtime the movie. This was only his second feature film score, those songs would have been the best guide director Milos Forman had to go on, but tracks like Birmingham and Marie from Good Old Boys almost certainly would have suggested Newman as the perfect person to score the film.

The setting and period of the film - turn of the century America - is almost exactly the sound that Newman created on his most famous song albums. There are films that a certain composer was born to score and I think it would be fair to list Ragtime and Randy Newman as one of them.